1.Conducting studies, scientific research and translation in the light of the general research plan, as well as a number of additional research that researchers see the possibility of being examined outside the plan.

2. Holding an annual general conference, which is a major scientific festival for the center, in which the largest number of specialists and many Iraqi, Arab and international personalities are invited to participate.

3. Issuing a specialized scientific journal accredited quarterly refereed for the purposes of scientific promotion and consolidation bearing the international number 9250-1992 ISSN: It is a journal “International Studies”.

4. Issuing a series of analyzes of the important situations and variables under the title “Political Issues”, which is a quarterly issue.

5. Issuing a series of translated studies, which are also quarterly.

8. Holding bi-monthly central seminars and others within the scientific departments specialized in Iraqi, Arab and international affairs… and panel discussions in linguistics and translation.

9. The participation of a number of researchers of the Center in cultural dialogues on the visual screen, and in radio political programs, as well as writing in Iraqi newspapers and some Arabic.

Holding special seminars for limited studies.
11. Holding a series of continuing education courses within the center and participating in continuing education courses at the University of Big

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