We recall with pride and reverence the one hundred and four anniversary of the founding of our intrepid Iraqi army, which wrote with all its formations and classes the most wonderful heroic national epics of its country and people.

As we celebrate together this blessed and eternal occasion that marks Army Day, we extend our warmest congratulations to our Iraqi people and their heroic army, which restored the prestige of the homeland, preserved its land and made precious sacrifices at the most difficult stage that our dear country has gone through.

It was truly an impregnable fortress to protect national gains and preserve the prestige and sovereignty of the State, as our country is witnessing security and stability thanks to the blood provided by this generous army and the rest of the formations.

We take this opportunity to confirm our continued scientific contribution thanks to our security forces.

Our heroic army proved that it is above all affiliations and names, and fought a fierce war to save its people and citizens and liberate its land from terrorism.

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